Can You Recover Lost Revenue With a Medical Billing Audit? Yes, You Can.

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In the dynamic world of healthcare, medical billing audits are crucial yet often overlooked tools for financial stability. These audits do more than correct errors; they are a strategic approach to reclaim lost revenue and ensure compliance in medical billing. This article delves into the significance of medical billing audits and outlines how they can…

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Measuring FQHC Performance: Evaluating Billing and Collection Services

This white paper provides a comprehensive overview of the importance of measuring provider billing and collection performance through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). It outlines crucial KPIs such as Days in Accounts Receivable, Collection Rate, Denial Percentage Rate, Net Collection Percentage, Bill Lag, and Credit Balance, providing benchmarks for each. Additionally, it highlights the challenges providers…

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White Paper: How FQHCs Can Enhance Medical Billing Management

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Maximizing revenue and getting paid for all the services they are providing is critical for FQHCs to make the biggest difference in the communities they are serving. A specialized billing partner is crucial for improving billing efficiency and maximizing revenue. They help FQHCs overcome billing obstacles, ensure compliance with ever-changing regulations, and enhance financial performance.…

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The Advantages to Outsourcing your FQHC Medical Billing

The Advantages to Outsourcing your FQHC Medical Billing Image

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) are critical in providing affordable and accessible healthcare services to underserved communities across the United States. However, FQHCs need help managing their operations, including medical billing. Medical billing is a complex process that requires expertise and attention to detail. This is why many FQHCs outsource their medical billing to specialized…

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How to Improve FQHC Revenue Cycle Management

How to Improve Your FHQC's Revenue Cycle Management Image

As Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) continue to play a vital role in providing care to underserved populations, they must maintain a solid financial foundation to support their operations. One critical aspect is having an effective FQHC Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) strategy. RCM refers to managing the financial interactions between patients, healthcare providers, and payers…

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Medical Billing Services: How Much Should Medical Billing Services Cost?

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Medical billing is one of the most critical functions of any medical practice. As a result, many practice managers and leaders place a high value on the effective administration of their medical billing, account receivables and overall revenue cycle management (RCM). Either you can pay full-time employees to handle your medical billing. Or, you can…

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9 Reasons Medical Practices Should Outsource Medical Billing

Outsourcing medical billing for medical practices

Medical practices are always looking for ways to save money and improve operational efficiency while delivering excellent patient care. Outsourcing medical billing is an often-over-looked path that enables practices to achieve these goals — and so much more. Established in 2003, CPa Medical Billing was created as a customer service-oriented alternative to the big national…

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Hiring a Medical Billing Company vs. Temp Agency – Everything You Need to Know

medical billing specialist

Medical billing is a complex, time-consuming and expensive process when completed in-house. Unfortunately, employee turn-over, leaves of absence or lack of skilled talent, which have become more and more prevalent in recent years, can lead to serious shortages within a practice’s medical billing department. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to bolster your billing…

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5 Advantages of Medical Billing Outsourcing

viewing medical invoice on computer for medical billing outsourcing purposes

See why more healthcare provides are choosing to utilize medical billing outsourcing Every medical billing team understands just how important it is to process claims quickly and efficiently for reimbursement by the insurance payors, and also collect outstanding balances by sending patient statements. Failure to process medical billing claims quickly and accurately will impose a…

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